Siemens Acuson Antares P10-4 Transducer
Transducer Details:
- Frequency Bandwidth: 10 – 4 MHz
- Selectable 2D Frequencies: 10.00, 8.00, 7.27, 6.15, 5.00 MHz
- Selectable THI Frequencies: 5.33, 4.44, 3.64, 3.08, 2.5 MHz
- Selectable Color Doppler Frequencies: 5.7, 5.0, 4.4 MHz
- Selectable Doppler Frequencies: 5.7, 5.0, 4.4 MHz
- Selectable CCAI Frequencies: N/A
- 2D Steering Angle: N/A
- Color Doppler Steering Angle: N/A
- PW Doppler Steering Angle: N/A
- Aperture: 19 x 12 mm
- Number of Elements: 128
- Array Length: 13 mm
- Field of View: 90°
- Maximum Display Depth: 14 cm
- Radius of Curvature: N/A
- Biopsy Guide: N/A
Specialty Options:
- Cardiac application modules
- syngo® Velocity Vector Imaging technology
- Ergonomically optimized microCase transducer miniaturization technology with SuppleFlex transducer cable
- User selectable MultiHertz imaging
- Neonatal head
- Abdomen
- Pediatric Abdomen
- Pediatric Echo
- Neonatal Echo
- Pelvis
- Renal