Upgraded on the new generation platform CTS-8800 Plus is empowered with 15-inch medical LCD optional built-in lithium battery and enhanced B/W images.
Speckle reduction technology: The technology assists to reduce noise and artifacts purify tissue shading and edging improve contrast resolution and identification of early tissue/structure lesion.
Spacial Compound Imaging: The technology helps to ease echo artifacts and improve spatial resolution by scanning the target with multi-direction beamforming.
Compact and ergonomic design: 15-inch medical LCD built-in lithium battery trolley for mobility
Updated OB/GYN 4D function and performance: excellent 4D imaging compared favorably with color Doppler mode multi-rendering mode (includes surface X-Ray and Max modes) high quality auto 3D imaging.
PW: The system supports the Pulse Wave Doppler module for vascular and cardiology quantitative analysis.
Auto-Fit: The system can reduce noise and artifacts purify tissue shading and edging improve contrast resolution and help early identification of tissue/structure lesion.