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Aloka SSD 4000 Color Doplor

Aloka SSD 4000 Color Doplor

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    Aloka SSD 4000 Color Doplor

    The Aloka ProSound SSD-4000 offers more useful clinical information with the most advanced imaging technology. The SSD-4000, your handy tool, takes an active role in various clinical scenes.

    Aloka Prosound SSD-4000 – Diagnostic Ultrasound system is a High Performance ProSound quality in a compact design. This ergonomic system is suited for multi purpose use, including cardiology. A new advanced patient and image data manager is a standard feature. The system utilises newly developed Wide-band Super High-Density (W-SHD) probes optimized for digital imaging.The system also employs the Pure Harmonic Detection (PureHD) technology in providing exceptionally clear images. High quality Tissue Harmonic Imaging for difficult patients has been implemented for increased diagnostic confidence.

    PHD (Pure Harmonic Detection)
    The PHD technology realizes distortion-free ultrasound waveform transmission which enables highest quality Harmonic Echo imaging.

    New-generation Wide Dynamic Range Digital Front-end
    The 12-bit A/D converter provides superior contrast resolution compared to conventional digital systems and analog systems.

    QFI (Quint Frequency Imaging)
    You can select ultrasound frequencies from among up to 5 selections with one probe. The QFI can provide better resolution with a higher frequency and better penetration with a lower frequency. (Selectable frequencies are probe dependent.)

    Multi-beam processing
    Enhances frame rate

    TDI (Tissue Doppler Imaging)
    Displays the movement of tissue with color. Velocity mode or Power mode selectable.

    FAM (Free Angular M-mode)
    FAM enables you to set the M-mode cursor at any position and in any direction on a B-mode image to obtain a M-mode trace. You can easily put the cursor line perpendicular to the ventricular septum and the posterior wall of the left ventricle for accurate calculation.