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Ge Logiq P5 color doplor

Ge Logiq P5 color doplor

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    Ge Logiq P5 color doplor

    The GE Logiq P5 premium is an economical shared service ultrasound machine that is unique in its price range by offering deep support for all applications from Cardiac to Pediatric, from 4D Obstetrics to Surgical or Elastography with an astounding 29 compatible transducers spread across every possible application. If it can be done with ultrasound, the Logiq P5 can do it.

    The Logiq P5 premium replaced the older Logiq 5 in 2006 and is currently in production as a BT11 revision. GE sells more of the Logiq P5 premium than any other model in production around the world and the fact that the Logiq P5 has been in production for a decade is proof of its reliability and popularity. The GE Logiq P5 is compact and has many premium features and ergonomic details that are typically only available on midrange units costing more. Because the Logiq P5 premium has been in production so long and has been so popular there are large quantities of replacement parts and transducers available on the market. This will make maintenance and support inexpensive and easily available for many years to come, far beyond all other economy-priced ultrasound machines.

    • 15″ LCD monitor on an articulating arm
    • Full size keyboard with user-defined keys
    • Automatic Optimization (AO)
    • Speckle Reduction Imaging (SRI)
    • 3D/4D Imaging
    • TruScan Architecture
    • TruAccess raw data processing
    • SmartScan
    • ComfortScan
    • 3 Active Probe Ports
    • Integrated HDD & DVD-R/W
    • On-board peripheral storage
    • Frequency: 50/60 Hz
    • Voltage: 100-120 Vac or 220-240 Vac