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Siemens Antares Ultrasound

Siemens Antares Ultrasound

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    Siemens Antares Ultrasound

    Innovation in the areas of digital electronics and acoustics provides a level of ultrasound diagnostic precision that translates directly into higher diagnostic confidence
    • The DIMAQ-IP integrated workstation combines the DIMAQ™ integrated ultrasound workstation with the power of the Crescendo™ multidimensional image processor, creating an advanced ultrasound workstation
    • An evolution in workflow control is defined with the unique, user-centric architecture of the Antares system and syngo® system infrastructure, the revolutionary software for medical imaging
    • ErgoDynamic™ imaging system design offers optimum access and operator comfort

    The ACUSON Antares™ ultrasound system embodies a new dimension in ultrasound, delivering superb 2D, Color, Power, PW Doppler,
    M-mode, 3D, and 4D image quality, innovative imaging features, and superior connectivity within a portable ergonomic platform.
    • Innovation in the areas of digital electronics and acoustics provides a level of ultrasound diagnostic precision that translates
    directly into higher diagnostic confidence
    • The DIMAQ-IP integrated workstation combines the DIMAQ™ integrated ultrasound workstation with the power of the Crescendo™ multidimensional
    image processor, creating an advanced ultrasound workstation
    • An evolution in workflow control is defined with the unique, user-centric architecture of the Antares system and syngo® system
    infrastructure, the revolutionary software for medical imaging
    • ErgoDynamic™ imaging system design offers optimum access and operator comfort ErgoDynamic Design – Form Follows Function
    • User-centric HomeBase design helps to minimize repetitive hand motions required for image optimization, acquisition and management
    • System control panel and monitor height adjustment for operator comfort in standing and sitting positions • Re-positional wrist support to help reduce
    operator wrist stress
    • Retractable keyboard for standard operations such as, text, annotations, body markers and special functions
    • System control panel illumination via task lighting and backlit controls
    • Portability: four-caster design with central braking system and mobile QuikStart standby mode