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Siui Apogee 6300 color doplor

Siui Apogee 6300 color doplor

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    Increasing emphasis on women’s health appeals for dedicated care. Equipped with full GYN/OB solution kit, Apogee 6300 is served to deliver truly exceptional GYN/OB care with efficiency and simplicity

    ★ Obstetrics
    + Based on adaptive intelligent algorithm, Auto OB automatically measures major fetal examined parameters
    + Auto NT automatically measures nuchal translucency through AI recognition
    + Lumi 4D offers lifelike fetal image for visualization enhancement
    + Auto measurement for newborn hip joints to reduce operation difficulty
    + Multiparous exam workflow enables fast and organized operation

    ★ Gynecology
    + Salpingography facilitates diagnosis on female infertility and related diseases
    + Pelvic floor measurement and calculation packages available for customization
    + 4D transvaginal probe for pelvic cavity visualization