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Toshiba Aplio XG color doplor

Toshiba Aplio XG color doplor

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    Toshiba Aplio XG

    Exceptional performance, simply superb image quality.

    Aplio XG provides outstanding clinical performance backed by a comprehensive array of unique, clinically validated technologies. Its full range of high-performance imaging functions lets you visualize minute tissue details and vascular structures with precision for a faster, more accurate diagnosis.

    Differential Tissue Harmonic (DTI) technology provides images of unsurpassed spatial resolution and contrast

    ApliPure™ real-time compounding

    With SmartFocus Toshiba is the first to introduce genuine 4D technology to conventional 2D imaging transducers.

    MicroPure™* is a unique technology that can assist you in identifying micro-calcifications, a potential marker for malignancy in breast tumors.

    Aplio XG’s comprehensive 3D/4D imaging package extends your diagnostic capabilities into the next dimension of imaging and intervention by providing accurate renderings and arbitrary volume cuts in real time or offline.

    Advanced Dynamic Flow™ adds superior spatial resolution to color Doppler to reveal minute vasculature with unprecedented accuracy and detail.

    Built more intelligently to make your work easier.

    Featuring Toshiba’s unique and innovative iStyle package, Aplio XG is designed to support you in carrying out your examinations more efficiently and with an ergonomically correct, neutral posture.

    One-touch QuickScan helps you to achieve greater workflow consistency in less time. With a simple push of a button, you can automatically optimize image quality in 2D and spectral Doppler modes with acoustic precision while suppressing white noise in echo-weak regions.

    iASSIST™ supports you in performing technically challenging exams by executing programmable protocols with a simple keystroke. The Bluetooth™- enabled remote control lets you operate the system from a distance.