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Toshiba Xario 200 Color Doplor Ultrasound

Toshiba Xario 200 Color Doplor Ultrasound

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    Toshiba Xario 200 Color Doplor Ultrasound


    The Canon Xario 200 Platinum is designed to support a full range of applications and can be used as a general-purpose system or a specialized system, depending on the installed software. l

    Differential Tissue Harmonic imaging (D-THI)*

    • D-THI increases contrast and spatial resolution at greater depths and on difficult-to-image patients.


    • ApliPure+ achieves unparalleled uniformity and detail while preserving clinically significant markers.

    Advanced Dynamic Flow (ADF)*

    • ADF displays smallest blood vessels and complex blood flow with unequaled accuracy and detail.

    Xario 200 systems also feature advanced imaging technologies and quantification tools that extend diagnostic capabilities, increasing confidence in your clinical decision making.
    Volume Imaging Suite*

    • Volume Imaging Suite captures volume data sets at high—volume rates for shorter exam times and features a comprehensive set of imaging modes (Surface rendering, Muitiview and MPR).

    Stress Echo

    • Stress Echo enables fast and accurate wall motion assessment and supports both standard and user-definable protocols for exercise and pharmacological stress studies.

    Auto- IMT

    • Auto-IMT provides an easy-to-use automation tool for measuring intima-media thickness (IMT) of the proximal and distal arterial walls to help determine a patients risk for cardiovascular disease.

    Real-time Elastography*

    • Real-time Elastography provides a visual representation (color mapping) of the elasticity of lesions following manual compression and helps localize and assess palpable masses with exceptional accuracy, sensitivity and reproducibility.